It all started off so well.
Alas it was not to last. It was the tail end of the rainy season and we'd been very luck so far with the weather. The first strange thing we noticed about St Cristobal was the very deep curbs. The pavements were a good 10 inches or more above the roads.
The reason for this soon became clear- the heavens opened and the roads flooded in a downpour of tropical proportions. Within minutes every bit of that depth was needed as the streets became a river....
....fortunately the rain soon eased off and the floods disappeared as quickly as they arrived.
San Cristóbal is the cultural capital of Chiapas and is very Spanish in it's layout and ambiance. It also has a very nice street market. They are obviously used to the rain. For me it was a chance to try out the waterproof "raincoat" I'd bought for the camera.
Despite the Spanish influence, there is still a lot of the original culture left - this is a common way for the local women to carry things.
There were some surprises though. This church, well out of town and up a long flight of steps had a neon altar piece. Never seen anything like it!