Sunday, 4 August 2013

Rain Rain go away ( Bodmin Part 3)

Well I guess the run of nice weather had to end sooner rather than later.

It was a busy day yesterday at the iron age day at the Cotswold Farm Park and I was tired.  So no trip out today; instead a blitz of housework and some craft projects started.

However I have some pictures taken near Bodmin that I didn't have space for last week so here they are.

 Firstly then King Donierts stone and the Other Half Stone. These are the remains of two Celtic crosses that must have been impressive in their time.

 and the inscription which reads "doniert rogavit pro anima". This translates as “Doniert begs prayers for the sake of his soul”

Here we have the Long Stone. Another menhir near to the other two stones. It looks like a much older standing stone  that has been "christianised" by the carving of a Celtic cross at the top. As it is fairly close to the Hurlers that would seem a reasonable assumption.

 Finally St Cleer's holy well. This was formerly a bowssening pool where those considered insane would be immersed to cure them of their affliction ( yes I had to google bowssening as well).

It's a beautiful little building but right on the road and rather overshadowed by modern development around it - we drove straight past it the first time

No chance of any bowssening nowadays. Not that I'd fancy it - the water looked very unappealing.
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