Out and about today with a group of friends.
Considering I've lived pretty close to Bristol now for the best part of a decade. I really don't know the city at all so today was a bit of a revelation.
The walk started at Eastville Park which is close to the huge Ikea store but it could have been a whole world away. I was expecting parking to be "difficult". This is central Bristol after all but no - the car park was mostly empty which boded well for a nice day out.
It's a pleasant level walk along the Frome Valley and despite it being one of the rare dry Sunday afternoons this summer was not as busy as it could have been.
Crossing the main road and into River View leads to another car park - much fuller this one and the welcome sight of a small open air cafe. We were able to sit at picnic tables and enjoy the view of the river before heading on to Snuff Mills itself. Nice cup of coffee for £1 and served in a proper china mug as well!
The mill itself was used for grinding corn and the old wheel is still there although looking a little sorry for itself.
(The name Snuff Mills is said to have some from the habit of the miller who had a heavy snuff habit and whose apron was habitually covered in it)
The mill was also used for crushing stone from some of the quarries along the river valley.
This is the Double Egg Ended Boiler used to provide the power until around 1889 and is the only one still in its original position.
Easy to see how it got its name.
And lastly a reminder that summer is drawing to a close and that autumn will soon be upon us. These were dangling tantalisingly out of reach above the water ....